European Vector of Economic Development   


Azhaman I.
Status and trends in housing construction in rural areas of Ukraine   

Alekseev S.
Conceptual model of forming strategic potential of trade enterprise   

Bartashevska Yu.
Complex approach to an investment risk assessment of enterprise   

Bochulia T.
Organization of information component of management process in the economic space   

Vakulich M.
Research of the investment climate of the agroindustrial sector of Ukraine’s economy    

Varenik V.
The classification of monetary flows in the economy of Ukraine   

Votchenikova O.
Innovative management of enterprises of tourist industry   

Garmider L.
Standardization efficiency of staff potential development process of trading enterprises   

Glukha G.
Shadow economy: economic growth slowdown and real results distortion   

Dalevska N.
Theoretical and methodological principles for development of modern international political economy   

Zhukova A.
Thesaurus of innovative potential of machine-building enterprise   

Zayachkovska G.
The modern concept of marketing of international tourism services: an interdisciplinary approach   

Ishchenko M.
Modeling and forecasting of current expenditure level on ore mining and processing enterprises of Ukraine   

Kirnos V., Protasova E.
Assessment of the enterprise operational value and analysis of its formation   

Korolenko R.
Researches of deficiency of the human capital at mining and processing works of Krivbass   

Kuzminov S.
Genesis of institutes in developing economy   

Kuyanova O.
Ethic and social responsibility   

Lymonova E.
Economic transformation of TNCS in a globalizing world economy   

Lozinskiy I.
The conceptual framework for the formation of operating and closing mines associations   

Manziuk O.
The negative effects of offshore areas and ways to overcome them in Ukraine    

Mukhina N., Pochechun O., Kamushkov A
Structural modeling of the economic security system of the transport enterprises serving the consumers of tourist services   

Pavlova V., Kholod S., Kuzmenko O.
Improving strategic management position on the market   

Petrunya Y., Yaremenko S.
Marketing communications activities engineering enterprise   

Pikalov V.
Management feature by knowledge workers of management subjects   

Posokhov I.
Investigation of methods for risk assessment of corporations   

Rogoza N.
System approaches to strategic decisions forming of the innovative development of the economy   

Tatarinov V., Vorobiova K.
The economic nature and classification of currency risk as a control object   

Frolova L., Alekseeva N.
An improvement of mechanism of realization of administrative decisions on enterprise   

Tsiganok О.
Methodological approaches to the evaluation of the properties of labor costs   

Chubar O., Bondarenko V., Nechytailo U.
Foreign direct investment: global, national and regional aspects    

Shtanko O.
Transformation processes on the stock markets under conditions of globalization   


