European Vector of Economic Development   


Vakarchuk T.
Technological development of a society in view of the human capital at research of models of economic growth   

Vashchenko N.
Role of staff in intensive development of enterprises   

Garkusha A., Serhieieva O.
Design of balanced of the economy growing of winery enterprise   

Glukha G
Investments and their impact upon the economic growth   

Dziuba P.
Global imbalances in international portfolio flows: empirical tests of some theoretical approaches   

Donets A.
Methodical approach to the diagnosis of competitiveness of hotel enterprises   

Dubinskiy S.
Modern approaches to improve organizational and economic mechanisms of management activity industrial enterprises   

Kuznetsova S.
Accounting perspective: strategy, taxes, e-commerce and social orientation   

Kuzminov S.
Market demand and consumer behavior: psychological aspects of the interdependence   

Limonova E., Arkhipova K.
Transnational corporations: the main stages of development and regulation of their activity in terms of globalization   

Lytvynovska P.
Method of selection vector multivariate investment public-private partnership   

Mishustina T.
Methods of assessing the competitiveness of trademark engineering enterprise   

Mukhin V., Pysmenna U.
Global disparity of energy resources distribution and its influence on the economy security   

Ortina G.
Effect relationship with integration strategy formation economics development   

Rogoza M., Kuzmenko A.
Modelling of the transport network of trading companies of consumer cooperatives   

Samoylenko E.
The features of the influence of shadow economy fictitious sector to the economic dynamics   

Samojlik M.
Management economic-ecological principles of waste handling sphere in the Poltava region   

Taranenko Y., Rizun N., Milov R.
Prediction of the price fluctuations in the stock market using artificial intelligence systems   

Kholod S., Grushevskiy S.
System-design approaches to the survival and reproduction potential of the enterprise   

Kholod E., Yarmolenko L., Chumak T.
Information system modeling prices promotional products    

Tsyba T., Valikov V., Bondur V.
The use of potential of workers is in strategy of upgrading and efficiency of enterprise   

Shubin А., Ivanchuk K.
Methodic approach to steady economic development ensuring of trade enterprise   

Yagelskaya E.
Place of transformation processes of the Ukrainian economics in the typology of economic development   

Yaremenko S.
Market research on consumer preferences jewelry Ukrainian market   
