Aleksandrova B., Zadoia A.
Simulation of chambers of commerce and industry efficiency indexes
Vakulich M.
Methodological approaches to ranking investment climate
Brzozowska A., Kalinichenko A., Galych O.
Directions of resources school development in strategic management
Vinnichenko O.
Comparative characteristics of the basic strategies of the enterprise development
Wolowiec T., Sobon J.
Personal income tax and community tax legislation
Demyanchuk B., Кosarev V., Litvinovskaya P.
Methodical basis for estimation of the feasibility of investments in the national security in conditions of indeterminacy
Zadoia O.
Saving-and-investment balance in open economy
Krasovska O., Koshovyi O.
Institutional basis of marketing management concept sports in Ukraine
Kuznetsov A.
Management control: nature, location and destination
Kuznetsova S.
Organization of accounting in accounting process steps
Magdich M.
Typology of economic growth factors: theoretical and methodological aspects
Momot V., Vorotnikov V.
An integrated approach to the formation of manage indicators creating a competitive unique new technique
Nesprava M.
Regional aspects of the Ukrainians`integration preferences
Ostroumova V.
Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: results and prospects
Pavlova V. Potupalo N.
Management of company’s strategic capacity for success
Reshetniak E., Zaika Yu.
Methodical bases of formation of educational clusters in Ukraine
Tsiatkovska O.
Calculations to employees: sources of information and vectors of analysis
Slusarczyk B., Solek K., Liszka M
Economic development and globalization