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Difficulties of creation and features of support the assortment range of the enterprise. DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-1
Gonchar V., Filipishina L.
Controlling the implementation of sustainable development strategies in an industrial enterprise. DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-2
Zadoia A.
Where is GDP created: industrialization or deindustrialization? DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-3
Кostyuk M.
Modern economic and management aspects of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises. DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-4
Pikalov V., Glukha G.
Formation and development of professional creative thinking of managers: the methodological aspect.
DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-5
Protsenko Ya.
Levers of state power for hotel enterprise’s financial stability. DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-6
Romanchuk L.
Modeling resort and recreational enterprise marketing communications strategy. DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-7
Tatarinov V., Reziapov K.
Privatization and the state of the stock market of Ukraine. DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-8
Khasin V., Momot V.
Analysis of peculiarities market with non-compulsory information for conditions of insurance of the exchange course.
DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-9
Ślusarczyk B., Lechwar M.
Determinants of RES implementation in Poland and the European Union. DOI 10.32342/2074-5362-2017-2-23-10